Why is the cost of living crisis hard for family business owners?

Family business owners have to balance the needs of their family and their business, which maysometimes conflict or overlap. For example, they may have to pay for their kids’ education, theirown retirement, and their business costs, like rent, wages, taxes, and supplies. They may also handlethe stress of running a business, like managing employees, customers, suppliers, and competitors,while keeping a …

The STILL Travelling Broker

Working while traveling has completely transformed my career. Gone are the days of being confined to an office and a rigid routine. Instead, I now have the freedom to set up my workspace wherever I please, whether it’s by the beach or outback in no mans land. At Atlas Broker, we believe, encourage and practice work life balance. Our team …

Buckle Up and Be Prepared

Have you found yourself Googling, ‘when will interest rates go down?’ or regularly checking the latest updates on current interest rates? At Atlas Broker, we don’t claim to have a crystal ball that can predict the future, but we do pride ourselves on being proactive and keeping our clients up-to-date with relevant information. Chief economist, Warren Hogan of Judo bank …

Significance of Working Capital and Available Funding Options

In 2024, businesses persist in facing a myriad of obstacles, ranging from swift expansion to financial turmoil, all centred around the imperative of obtaining effective working capital solutions. Working capital needs vary among businesses, and while commercial overdrafts are a common option, they come with limitations and may require collateral. Exploring alternative funding avenues without the need for collateral is …


In my opinion, Invoice Finance is the most powerful and most underestimated product in the commercial finance armoury. Why – because this product can be applied to a substantial number of businesses across the globe, in all phases of evolution. Funding lines can be secured for startups, accelerated growth, assisting with acquisitions, facilitate a management buyout, turnaround (or distress), stabilisation, …

Too busy… or not a priority?

How many times have you heard “sorry I haven’t gotten back to you” in both business and society? It can often feel like we’re being told, “sorry right now you are not my priority”. This reality can sting, but it’s also a reminder that prioritising is a fact of life. We’re never going to tick off every single item on …

The First Home Buyer Scaries ??

It’s now been 5 months since my partner & I packed our life up into a bunch of boxes and made the big move from Melbourne to Queensland.I have to say the months leading up to the move, a lot of emotions surfaced and a million questions came to mind.  Is this the right move for us? Will we reach …

From a Stay at Home Mum to a Team Player and Reluctant Leader

It was time, I had to be brave, and re-enter the workforce after being a stay-at-home mum for 8 years. Embarking on a new role which I knew nothing about, meeting new people, getting dressed up, I was heading into uncharted waters. I was feeling excited, nervous and afraid.10 years on I am working in the same company, in senior …