I was standing in the kitchen talking to my mum, she was sitting at the table. Mid casual conversation she says to me; ‘I need to tell you about something.’ Before she could get another word out, I said, ‘dad has cancer doesn’t he!’ She just laughed in shock.
My dad, my hero, was the Managing Director of a cookware company for over 20 years. Brilliant at leading and inspiring people. As part of a promotion, he was offered life insurance but before receiving it he had to qualify for it. He didn’t qualify.
Test after test, it was discovered that he had ‘fatty liver’ and early signs of a blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Treatment started in the second year of covid, and it was very confronting not to be able to physically be with him during those lockdown days. At the end of one whole year of chemo and the extreme isolation of covid, he endured a traumatic bone marrow transplant. Days went by when he was unable to talk because he was so sick.
On Sunday, less than two years after his bone marrow transplant, he ran a half marathon! 21km! As I saw him run through the finish line his face was filled with both joy and relief (and maybe a bit of pain) but to conquer a physical goal after enduring an incomprehensible physical pain I couldn’t be prouder. Did I mention he is also 71?
“It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone, discipline to reflect and grow, and belief in yourself to apply new learnings.”
– My dad.
In business and in life, it is key to surround yourself with positive influences. Mine just so happens to be my dad. Who is the person that is inspiring you today?