Preserving your cash flow has never been more important and insurance payments are growing at an alarming rate. One way to manage these increases is by spreading your payments over 12 months.
Case Study 1
Product: Insurance Premium Funding (IPF)
Purpose: To spread the cost of insurance policies over a 10 month term, reducing the impact on cash flow.
Industry: Recycling
Amount: $118K
Financials Required: No - not required with IPF as less than $250KSecurity: Not Applicable
Turnaround Time: 24 hours
Here's how to get started:
Our application process is straightforward and designed to get you
approved and settled in just a few days.
- Get in contact with us by clicking the 'Get Started Now' link below.
- Fill in your details in the body of the email include your mobile number
and business name.
- Fill in your details in the body of the email include your mobile number
- Please attach a copy of your current insurance renewal policy to the
- Please attach a copy of your current insurance renewal policy to the
Once we receive your information, one of our team members will reach
out to discuss your options and guide you through the next steps.